可以想像的是,ASKA復出之後,這些爭論是不會結束的。包括牽連到吸毒的人是不是罪大惡極? 還是需要幫助? 吸毒的藝人該不該再出現? 台灣道德標準是不是太低? 總之全世界的問題,不管是道德還是非道德層面,都會全部牽進來。
其他的社會問題,是不是可以不要都牽拖到ASKA身上來? 法律上他已經受審,道德上,他的唱片公司已經與他解約,作品全部下架。這些是他得到的懲罰。如果你不愛他,甚至你恨他,大可不要消費他的作品,可否不要連他的未來也一起詆毀?
純粹從歌的角度來看, ASKA表達黑暗憂鬱的歌比明亮輕快的歌吸引我. 從小聽音樂是比較自命清高的人, 喜歡歌詞像詩的歌, 也就是聽不太懂. (十二歲之前最喜歡的是齊豫. 就像現在的A粉一樣, 齊豫的中英文歌我都知道, 並且重複的聽百遍千遍). 我還是喜歡她的歌聲, 只是我發現那些歌也是非常的悲傷憂鬱.
會喜歡Say Yes, めぐりあい、天氣予報的戀人都是之後的事情。第一首喜歡的其實是中期並不那麼熱門的 You are Free, 當然聽不懂日語的我後來才知道這首歌幾乎是割心一般的悲傷. 失戀的歌百百首, 但這首真的能刺傷根本沒失戀的人. (真的是這樣對吧)
因此我並非資深歌迷. (好我承認之後都在迷伍佰). 對ASKA產生興趣已經是1998年之後的事情. 似乎他四十歲之後的歌就是自然讓我感覺喜歡, 而且是自己年紀越大會越喜歡. 我喜歡的歌是月亮如果靠近會好一點, ID, 群れ、あなたは泣くことはない、tattoo ,諸如此類個性強烈或是悲傷黑暗的作品。
他的未發表曲Be Free更是讓我驚艷. 但情感層面來說, 很多歌迷覺得這個等於是ASKA在最無助時的吶喊而不忍卒聽. 要是我說我很喜歡這首歌, 好像我是個很殘忍的人. 不過這是事實, 我的確喜歡Be Free, 而且我認為這首歌沒有缺點.
第一次聽Be Free時, 一樣完全不懂日文, 但我非常驚訝的感受到那裡面所要傳達的極大的痛苦和掙扎. 那首歌就像是是ASKA給我的密碼, 而我完全能解開. 說是密碼的原因是因為我對於歌詞一無所知, 因此等於傳達的媒介裡不包含語言, 僅有的就是音樂本身. 個人來說, 那是一個極為奇異的感覺. 也從這首歌開始, 我開始追尋CA, ASKA, Chage的作品. 這樣成為歌迷的方式似乎是整個時序反轉了, 但事實卻是如此.
ASKA重唱過自己早期的作品. 相比之下, 原來的版本竟少了一點味道. 雖然我知道他的聲音在早期可說是完美的天籟. 但他現在"不那麼完美"的聲音, 卻能將這些年輕的作品提升到“完美”的境界. 然而這也不奇怪. 以ASKA本身的個性, 隨著歲月的累積, 他的深度必然大幅增加.
通常我不會期待年紀大的歌手能有超越年輕巔峰成就的感覺, 因為通常同一首歌, 能唱的"一樣好“已經不簡單. 但ASKA卻早就超過他所謂Say Yes的巔峰, 而到了另外一個境界.
既然我是這麼喜歡憂鬱歌曲的人, Scramble專輯的確讓我一聽鍾情. 我最喜歡的就是以這歌名做專輯名稱的 “Scramble". 很短, 但不知為什麼聽的時候胸口感覺很舒暢. 我也喜歡他Scramble的唱法. 他已經不是在唱歌, 而是他就是那首歌.....(好啦 太抽象了).
他的技巧早就超越所有歌的範圍, 因此唱出那首歌已經不是任何挑戰. 我可以感覺到, 他現在是想要傳達意念. 用唱歌傳達意念. 而聽者在理想的狀況下, 能夠只因為他的歌聲就感受到裡面的意念.
這篇沒有太多有學問的東西, 都在講自己跟 ASKA的作品如何扯上關係的過程.
講完了, 開心許多.
會喜歡Say Yes, めぐりあい、天氣予報的戀人都是之後的事情。第一首喜歡的其實是中期並不那麼熱門的 You are Free, 當然聽不懂日語的我後來才知道這首歌幾乎是割心一般的悲傷. 失戀的歌百百首, 但這首真的能刺傷根本沒失戀的人. (真的是這樣對吧)
因此我並非資深歌迷. (好我承認之後都在迷伍佰). 對ASKA產生興趣已經是1998年之後的事情. 似乎他四十歲之後的歌就是自然讓我感覺喜歡, 而且是自己年紀越大會越喜歡. 我喜歡的歌是月亮如果靠近會好一點, ID, 群れ、あなたは泣くことはない、tattoo ,諸如此類個性強烈或是悲傷黑暗的作品。
他的未發表曲Be Free更是讓我驚艷. 但情感層面來說, 很多歌迷覺得這個等於是ASKA在最無助時的吶喊而不忍卒聽. 要是我說我很喜歡這首歌, 好像我是個很殘忍的人. 不過這是事實, 我的確喜歡Be Free, 而且我認為這首歌沒有缺點.
第一次聽Be Free時, 一樣完全不懂日文, 但我非常驚訝的感受到那裡面所要傳達的極大的痛苦和掙扎. 那首歌就像是是ASKA給我的密碼, 而我完全能解開. 說是密碼的原因是因為我對於歌詞一無所知, 因此等於傳達的媒介裡不包含語言, 僅有的就是音樂本身. 個人來說, 那是一個極為奇異的感覺. 也從這首歌開始, 我開始追尋CA, ASKA, Chage的作品. 這樣成為歌迷的方式似乎是整個時序反轉了, 但事實卻是如此.
ASKA重唱過自己早期的作品. 相比之下, 原來的版本竟少了一點味道. 雖然我知道他的聲音在早期可說是完美的天籟. 但他現在"不那麼完美"的聲音, 卻能將這些年輕的作品提升到“完美”的境界. 然而這也不奇怪. 以ASKA本身的個性, 隨著歲月的累積, 他的深度必然大幅增加.
通常我不會期待年紀大的歌手能有超越年輕巔峰成就的感覺, 因為通常同一首歌, 能唱的"一樣好“已經不簡單. 但ASKA卻早就超過他所謂Say Yes的巔峰, 而到了另外一個境界.
既然我是這麼喜歡憂鬱歌曲的人, Scramble專輯的確讓我一聽鍾情. 我最喜歡的就是以這歌名做專輯名稱的 “Scramble". 很短, 但不知為什麼聽的時候胸口感覺很舒暢. 我也喜歡他Scramble的唱法. 他已經不是在唱歌, 而是他就是那首歌.....(好啦 太抽象了).
他的技巧早就超越所有歌的範圍, 因此唱出那首歌已經不是任何挑戰. 我可以感覺到, 他現在是想要傳達意念. 用唱歌傳達意念. 而聽者在理想的狀況下, 能夠只因為他的歌聲就感受到裡面的意念.
這篇沒有太多有學問的東西, 都在講自己跟 ASKA的作品如何扯上關係的過程.
講完了, 開心許多.
更甚魔幻的魅力---關於 Aska [飛鳥涼] (隨筆)
不知不覺就選了一堆照片. 其實英俊的男神一堆, 真的要說為什麼覺得ASKA最特別, 也就是一個特殊的緣分. 我相信喜愛, 與被喜愛, 迷戀, 與被迷戀, 兩方之間,必也有著特殊的連結.
飛鳥的氣質很奇特. 當他唱年輕時的歌時, 我好像感覺到二十歲的飛鳥瞬間又回到舞台上(例:千年夜一夜, 万里之河). 唱女性角度的歌, 我感覺他並不只是“揣摩”或是“詮釋", 而是他就是那位嬌柔, 無助, 或深深為愛所困的女性(例: 最後的場面).
音樂裡, 他可以是男人, 女人, 男孩, 女孩(Cry), 二十歲, 三十歲, 或是任何他想要的年紀. 當然也許身為一個音樂家, 對他來說並不是什麼困難的事情. 另一個奇異的觀察點是他的容貌和氣質, 竟也同時各種年齡, 各種相異的特質並存. 這些特質可同時出現, 也可自由變換, 來去自如.
如此艱鉅的職業和身份, 必然是一個非常堅強的人?但即使是在四十歲後已經極端男性化的外表下, 他的脆弱易碎, 纖弱敏感的氣質,更為他魔魅般變幻無窮的形象, 增添讓人心口微痛的迷戀.
ID Tour中、當君をのせて開始、之前狂野性感的ASKA像是暫時休息, 換成一個甜美如初戀情人的ASKA純真的表達著溫柔的愛意. 不知其他的觀眾感覺如何, 筆者當下是真的被那個轉換嚇到, 因為轉換得太徹底, 太真實, 且自然到讓人驚嘆.
ASKA的俊秀外表無疑是他才華之外大大加乘的武器. 然而沒有人不會老, 也沒人可以永遠維持盛年如夏花的美麗. 但在他年紀漸長之後, 我並沒有那種“青春已逝”的感嘆, 反而是被他因年齡所增加的, 無法具體描述的某種東西所吸引. 而我依然無法解釋那是什麼東西.
他的眼睛不像年輕時熱情而充滿著夢, 取而代之的是生命給予他的沉靜, 深刻, 與一種讓人想去了解的憂愁. 很矛盾的是, 這樣的眼睛, 卻仍然極為無辜, 從更深的眼底, 發出純真的光芒. 也許那正是對於音樂不變的堅持?
還有很多想說, 但不知從何說起.
ASKA さん, 我們愛你.
Aska's "Be Free"
I saw that some people think "Be Free" is not good music.
To me, "Be Free" is not about music anymore. It is the way that Aska trying to tell the listeners his struggle in mind. I have read a comment about "Be Free" of a Taiwanese Fan. He said that he was so excited that Aska issue a new song, but he was hurt immediately after listening to it.
He found that things Aska trying to express in the song is painful!
That's just how I feel when I hear "Be Free".
Aska San is in pain....To me this information is much crucial than how his music is now....
To me, "Be Free" is not about music anymore. It is the way that Aska trying to tell the listeners his struggle in mind. I have read a comment about "Be Free" of a Taiwanese Fan. He said that he was so excited that Aska issue a new song, but he was hurt immediately after listening to it.
He found that things Aska trying to express in the song is painful!
That's just how I feel when I hear "Be Free".
Aska San is in pain....To me this information is much crucial than how his music is now....
Why I think Aska should stay in music industry
After the shocking news about Aska, I listen to his songs almost every day. From youtube I found many clips. From his 20s to his 50s, from his debut in 1979 to Rocket concert 2013. I didn't pay this much attention to his work before. I only knew "Say yes", "You are free"...songs that are quite popular even in Taiwan.
What surprised me is that during these years, his work has been changing and improving. I love his old songs as well, but I can feel that he keeps trying new things in his music.
In the show business, it is hard to be attractive when getting older. But Aska seems developed more and more charm as he ages. Of course he gets old, too. Than how did he do that? Apparently it is because his personality and character.
I can feel his strong will and love for the music. Everytime he sings, it is like his only chance to sing. His soul is in his songs. Completely....he gives himself to the music. It seems that music is the most important thing in his life, and this spirit touched me very deeply.
Aska is a real artist with talent, determination, and spirit. He is not some idol with pretty face. You can feel his passion, happiness, sadness, paradox, struggles in his songs. He sings them from his sensitive, sentimental yet wild and passionate heart.
According to the report about his life in the hospital, he still has his own pace. While following the schedule of the hospital, he didn't stop writing.
He is a tough guy. A singer with the strongest heart.
I don't know what will happen next. But I really want to say:
Aska, please sing for us again!
叫びは風になった by Aska
僕は テレビに釘づけになって 心の何処かで応援してて
確かに 息づこうとしてる街 それは 卵の中の鼓動の響き
銃口の向こうで 幸せを願う人 銃口のこちらで 思想を背追わされた人
みんな 幸せを求めたはずなのに
答は とても早かった まるで ミキサーのように
かんたんに 積木のように倒れる 自由・自由・自由
とても大きな 悲しい日 叫びは風になってしまった
- アルバム『PRIDE』より
確かに 息づこうとしてる街 それは 卵の中の鼓動の響き
みんな 幸せを求めたはずなのに
かんたんに 積木のように倒れる 自由・自由・自由
About Aska San
I began to notice Aska when he came to Taiwan 1998. I saw a picture of him singing in the rain on the next day paper and I was attracted to him immediately.
He was really charming and audience loved him so much. The rain was pretty heavy but nobody carried an umbrella. Even the hostess of the show said that:" Do you think Aska is really sexy in the rain like I do? "
Well...I think I am not the best fan of Aska. I have never owned any CD or DVD of CA or Aska until last month. The song I used to love the most is "You are free". I keep the clip of this song(1995 Taipei tour) in my play list. I love to watch the clip very much. Aska was almost perfect when singing this song.
He looked so elegant ,but you can feel the passion actually burning in his heart . His voice melted the heart of the audience. My impression of Aska actually is from the clip and never changed until I saw the bad news of Aska. I was not going to believe it until all other things happened than......
He looked so elegant ,but you can feel the passion actually burning in his heart . His voice melted the heart of the audience. My impression of Aska actually is from the clip and never changed until I saw the bad news of Aska. I was not going to believe it until all other things happened than......
So I started to read the Japanese News about Aska with google translation. That's the best I can do so far. I want to know what media in Japan say about this. I also want to know how his fans in Japan feel about this incident.
About Aska, the artist I love so much
As Aska aging, there seems more heavy feelings in his eyes. When he was 20s or 30s, I can see purely passion and romantic feelings in his eyes. To be accurately, less burden or pressure and full of energy.
The beautiful, gentle flames in his eyes can just burn everyone's heart.
In his 40s and 50s, his eyes became heavier and more sorrowful, even when singing happy songs.
It seems there are so many complicated feelings that he is not able to tell the world. Maybe he doesn't think that people will understand, or maybe even himself doesn't know how to express it accurately.
All these feelings are hidden so deep in his eyes and formed essence of his songs. When you look into his eyes, even just through the camera, you know that he is not that young, passionate Aska, but the Aska with a deeper, more complicated soul.
This might be the reason why Aska's work touched people in so many ways in his different period of life. I don't think his work is following the TREND. His work is following his heart, which is full of sensitive, subtle feelings and thoughts about life, love and everything.
But will this be the things that make Aska painful and even became sick...?
Just wondering...
"歌の中には不自由がない" ......does this indicates that he has no freedom in the real life? What kind of freedom is he yearning? Is it painful feeling NOT FREE? What does Aska really want? Why he feels so hard to be free?
These days I have been watching many clips of Aska's performance. Some are really old clips, some are just 2 years ago.
These days I have been watching many clips of Aska's performance. Some are really old clips, some are just 2 years ago.
Well, maybe none of my thoughts are right , those are just some thoughts came to my mine after I watched performance of Aska in different periods.
My Japanese ability is ZERO so if I am wrong please correct me.
Sorry for the long comment...
Aska Ryo~Songs from the soul 穿透靈魂的歌聲 飛鳥涼 (中英文並列)
通常歌手會有歌路,但我並不覺得飛鳥涼有一定的歌路。三十幾年來,他各種風格的歌都唱過。熱情奔放的Say Yes, 個性十足的Tatoo, 溫柔似水的Man and Woman, 闡述內心掙扎的"月亮出來或許會感覺好一些",情深如海的"抱き合いし恋人", 表達友情的"けれど空は青", 節奏明快的"Hang up the phone".....無論何種情境, Aska擅長以歌聲傳達各種最細微的感覺和無法言喻的情感。
此刻我腦海裡還想不出有哪一個歌手(不管在哪裡),的聲音彈性有這麼大。有些女性角色的歌曲如"Moon light blues",其他女歌手似乎都無法表現得像飛鳥涼那樣淋漓盡致。
Aska, 請繼續為我們歌唱吧!!
I like to turn the volume up when I listen to Aska's song. I want to catch the details of his voice. How he pronounce every word, and how he manage the music...I am really interested in these details. His voice is unique, and the his singing skill is also one of the best.
Usually an singer has his/her style. They tend to sing songs that are the same style because their voice are the best for certain style of songs. But I don't think Aska has a certain style. He can sing almost every kind of song. All his songs like "Say Yes", "Man and Woman", "When the moon comes out will feel better", "抱き合いし恋人", "けれど空は青", "Tatoo", "Hang up the phone".....these songs are all very different. Aska is very good at express the most subtle feelings with his voice.
For now I can't think of any singer who has the same ability like Aska does. Even some songs that are for woman character like "Moon Light Blues", Aska version will always beat the others.
There are many covers of Aska's song. But I always feel something is missing if the song is not performed by Aska.
Aska's voice is very rich and his skill is just incredible. He can sing in any way he wants. There's no limitation for him.
Aska, please sing for us one more time!!
.I just found this amazing song... In this performance Aska is doing the chorus for Chage. It is wonderful.....:~~~Aska's voice is like fire(火). It express so much passion that no one can defend. When Aska sings, you can only surrender and be madly in love with him. Chage's voice is like cool, clear lake water(水). The power in Chage's voice can wrap you slowly but completely. It calms you and heals you, take you to a peaceful world full of tenderness. Maybe that's why CA are super together!!! Wow....I miss them so much.....:~~~
Changes in Aska's voice
I have noticed that Aska's voice have changed several times as he aging. The most familiar tone(音色) for me is "Say Yes" period.
I just watched the video in which he sings in 1979, and I think there is a really huge difference from the voice he had developed in his 30s.
Between 30 and 40, he sings with the unique nasal sound(鼻音)。The volume and the texture at that time was the most familiar to me.
His voice start to became a bit "rough"(just a bit) after he was 45 or so. The voice was very different from that he had in his 30s. Of course the volume is still peerless. There seems to be more sorrow and loneliness in his voice. Umm...more "life" in his voice.
To me it seems became less hot, steamy passion but more deeper feelings. Those feelings are so deep that can penetrate the hearts and hurt you.
Just something I found about Aska's voice :))
歌 飛鳥 生命
文章 (Atom)